Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Stop smoking support

Getting expert support and advice from your local stop smoking service will mean you are four times more likely to succeed at quitting smoking than going at it alone.

There are a number of free support options available to you if you are thinking about quitting smoking.

Sign up for free support to quit smoking

Why quit smoking?

The benefits of quitting smoking on your physical and mental health

How can I quit smoking?

Information on how to quit smoking with support from One You Surrey

Smoking in pregnancy

Information on smoking in pregnancy and support on how to quit

Other types of tobacco

The risks of tobacco you do not smoke, including the raised risk of cancer and the effect on heart and circulatory health


Information about vaping, the health implications and how to spot and report illegal vapes

Guidance, policy and strategy

Links to guidance, policy and strategy resources on tobacco control


Guidance for professionals on local and national training, referring and further information