Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Feeling Good Week

Feeling Good Week takes place annually supporting Surrey's Healthy Schools Approach to wellbeing, health and achievement.

This year Surrey County Council's Feeling Good Week takes place from Monday 7 to 11 October, coinciding with World Mental Health Day on Thursday 10 October. This year's theme is 'Embracing Emotions'.

Feeling Good Week is an event to help prioritise looking after our own and other people's health. Physical, mental and emotional. All emotions serve a purpose; they can help us to grow, connect with others, and motivate us to take action and make change. Identifying how we are feeling, however, isn't always simple. It is often easier to recognise the physical sensations we feel, but not the emotions underpinning these. Learning and activities within the resource take an evidence based approach and are informed by Surrey Youth Voice. Lessons and activities are designed to safely encourage young people to recognise and name emotions and feelings, work together and build relationships which assist in developing greater empathy and understanding. Being able to share experiences with others can help encourage positive emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Feeling Good Week supports Surrey's Healthy Schools Approach to wellbeing, health, inclusion and achievement and applies the i-Thrive Framework.

Good mental health helps children and young people to develop resilience, which can help them to cope with experiences they may encounter. Statutory health education and relationships and sex education forms part of an effective personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum and is central to personal development and safeguarding.

Surreyi hosts more information about the health related behaviours of children and young people in Surrey.

Resource pack

The 2024 Embracing Emotions resource pack (PDF) for primary and secondary schools is available for download. Resource packs from previous years are also available.
