Whole Systems Approach to obesity in Surrey
A system-wide approach to tackle obesity at a local level.
Actions to tackle obesity at a local level do not just benefit people's health. They can also have positive impacts on other local agendas including employability and productivity of local populations, as well as the potential to reduce the demand for health and social care.
There is growing recognition that a whole systems approach, involving stakeholders from across the local system, is what is needed to tackle obesity.
A whole systems approach enables local stakeholders, including communities, to come together, share an understanding of the reality of the challenge, consider how the local system is operating, and where there are the greatest opportunities for change. Stakeholders agree actions and decide, as a network, how to work together in an integrated way to bring about sustainable long-term systems change.
The following is a brief overview of the whole systems approach to obesity, setting out the six phases of the approach. Refer to the Whole Systems Approach to obesity guidance for the full guidance and framework.
Phase 1 - set up
The first phase of the Whole Systems Approach (WSA) is the set up phase. This phase aims to secure senior level support and establish the necessary governance and resource structure to implement the approach.
Phase 2 - building the local picture
The aim of this phase is to build a compelling narrative explaining why obesity matters locally and to create a shared understanding of how obesity is addressed at a local level.
For this you will need to collate key information about obesity in your area; gain an understanding of local assets including community capacity and interest; establish an overview of current actions; and identify those currently engaged in supporting work around obesity.
Links to local data and relevant guidance can be found in the resources section.
Phase 3 - mapping the local system
Phase 3 brings stakeholders together, by way of a first workshop, to create a comprehensive map of the local system that is understood to cause obesity. This will enable stakeholders to begin to develop a shared vision.
Phase 4 - action
In this phase stakeholders reconvene, by way of a second workshop, to prioritise areas where they can intervene in the local system and to propose collaborative and aligned actions.
Phase 5 - managing the system network
Phase 5 is about developing the stakeholder network and agreeing on the action plan that has been developed in phase 4.
Phase 6 - reflect and refresh
In this phase stakeholders reflect on the process of undertaking a whole systems approach; monitor and evaluate actions; identify areas for strengthening; and adapt the process to reflect how the system changes over time.
The WSA framework resources provide tools and guidance to support you as you work through the six phases of the framework.
Data and guidance
- Public Health England guidance on Promoting healthy weight in children, young people and families. This is a resource to support local authorities; NHS commissioners and providers; and voluntary and community sector organisations to take action to reduce obesity.
- The Surrey-i website hosts county-wide data on population, economy and health & wellbeing.
- PHE Fingertips data on the percentage of adults in Surrey classified as either overweight or obese, by borough.
- Public Health England data on Prevalence of overweight including obesity in Reception children and Year 6 children.
- Proportion of adults in Surrey meeting the recommended '5-a-day'.
- Density of fast food outlets by local authority and ward.
During Phase 2 Building the local picture and Phase 3 Mapping the local system you will be identifying and bringing together stakeholders who form part of the whole system approach to obesity.
The following guidance/information around Planning in relation to health and wellbeing will be useful when working on Phases 2 and 3, and potentially Phase 4 Action.
- National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) - the revised National Planning Policy Framework sets out government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
- Guidance on promoting healthy and safe communities - how can positive planning contribute to healthier communities?
- Spatial planning for health - an evidence resource for planning and designing healthier places
- Tipping the scales - case studies on the use of planning powers to limit hot food takeaways
- Obesity and the environment: regulating the growth of fast food outlets - this briefing paper addresses the opportunities to limit the number of fast food takeaways (especially near schools) and ways to make fast food offers healthier.
- Encouraging healthier 'out of home' food provision - this toolkit helps local authorities and businesses to provide and promote healthier options for food eaten away from home.
More information
For organisations wishing to promote and implement workplace health initiatives for their staff, these are some of the resources available:
- A suite of health and wellbeing toolkits developed by Business in the Community in collaboration with Public Health England:
- Heathy Surrey Get active guide
- Better Health
- One You
Our workplace wellbeing pages include additional resources, including a workplace health needs assessment, a good starting point for establishing baseline data on the health of your workforce.
- Initiatives to encourage healthy eating at work (e.g. fruit basket in replace of biscuit tin)
- Encourage time out for lunch/move away from workstation
- Healthy options in workplace canteens and vending machines
- Signposting to support for issues that can impact on healthy weight e.g. sleep improvement, stress reduction
Tips to get your workplace active:
- Get Britain Standing
- Step Jockey
- Pedometer challenges
- Lunchtime walks
- Initiatives to reduce sedentary behaviour in the workplace/WFH (e.g. standing desks/walking meetings/regular get up & stretch exercises)
- Concessions for local gym/pool membership
- Team activity challenges
- Volunteering in the outdoors
- Food growing schemes & gardening projects
- Walking for Health groups in Surrey
- Go50 Walking
- Foodbanks initiatives (e.g. cookery sessions)
- Healthy Start vouchers
- One You
- Change4Life activities
- Local leisure centres
- Exercise on referral
- Local parks/green gyms
- Active Surrey Activity finder
- National Cycle to work scheme
- Cycle hire schemes
- Car pool schemes
- E-bikes
- Encouraging active travel in place of driving