Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Lyme surveillance tools update

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have launched an enhanced surveillance scheme to understand more about the spread of Lyme in England.

The scheme will see people who test positive for recently acquired Lyme disease. They will be asked to provide information about where they may have picked up the infection, if they recall a tick bite, where in the country this took place, whether they have any pets, their recent outdoor activities, travel and their occupation.

This new surveillance scheme will enable UKHSA to better map the spread of infection in England, so people can take steps to reduce their risk when they are enjoying the outdoors.

You can read about the update in the UKHSA blog alongside guidance about how to stay safe from tick-borne disease this summer.

As we are in the summer season, we want our residents/patients to enjoy the outdoors but 'be tick aware'. Not all ticks carry Lyme disease or other infections, however prevention is the key and knowing what to do when out and about such as doing a tick check is a key message we want our Surrey residents to know.

There are downloadable resources (posters, leaflets etc) to help raise awareness of the potential risks created by ticks and tick-borne disease in England.