Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Mental wellbeing

If you want to improve your mental wellbeing, are feeling anxious or depressed, or life is too difficult right now, there are a range of free and confidential services to support you. You can also talk to friendly and professionally trained NHS advisors via our First Steps to Support phoneline.

Self help

A list of self-help tools and resources you can access without GP referral, including online resources and apps.

Talking Therapies

If life is too difficult right now then talking therapies can help.


Local help and support if you feel your mental health is at breaking point.

Wellbeing events

Find wellbeing events and support services in and around Surrey, whether they are virtually or in person.

Children and young people

Support for Children and Young People with their emotional wellbeing and mental health.


Tips on how you can improve sleep and useful contacts.

Five Ways to Wellbeing

Different small actions you can take to help you improve your mood.


Bereavement is a common experience after losing someone close to you and can affect people in different ways.

Common mental health problems

Information and resources about common mental health problems.

Long term conditions

Information about mental wellbeing and long term conditions.


Mental wellbeing guidance and training for health and social care staff.

Advice and support guide

Promoting emotional health and mental wellbeing tools and services available.

Perinatal, parent and maternal mental health

Services, support, help and advice for women and families throughout pregnancy and after birth

A - Z and useful links

A list of health topics around mental wellbeing including general information and signposting to further services.

Local services

Find out about the local providers, offering supportive activities in your area.