Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Worried about your own or someone else's abusive behaviour?

Information on services providing individuals with specialist support to increase survivor safety and reduce harm from domestic abuse and stalking behaviours.

Useful numbers

Surrey domestic abuse helpline
01483 776822
9am to 9pm, 7 days a week
provided by yourSanctuary

Surrey Police
999 (emergency)
101 (non-emergency)

Surrey Steps to Change Hub

The Surrey Steps to Change Hub is a safe space where individuals can benefit from localised, specialist support to increase survivor safety and reduce harm from perpetrators of domestic abuse and stalking.

For advice and support please contact us via email: or telephone: 01483 900 905

Request Surrey Steps to Change Hub Referral Form


Our specialist programmes available at the hub include:

Healthy Relationships, provided by Interventions Alliance

The programme provides an opportunity to address and prevent further incidences of domestic abuse, thorough supporting perpetrators to change their behaviour and to develop respectful, non-abusive relationships.


  • Understand what a healthy relationship is and how it is achieved
  • Change harmful behaviours
  • Understand their thoughts, feelings and actions
  • Communicate effectively and responsibly
  • Understand the impact their behaviour has on children


On to one or group delivery consisting of 10 core sessions of up to 90 minutes each, with an assessment pre and post completions.

Compulsive, Obsessive Behaviour Intervention (COBI) - Stalking and Harassment, provided by Interventions Alliance

This programme is targeted at people who have obsessive and controlling behaviour which manifest in stalking and harassment. Using Dialectal Behavioural Therapy (DBT), perpetrators are helped to acknowledge, accept and recognise their difficult emotions and thoughts that trigger harmful behaviour towards others.


  • Develop strategies to manage harmful behaviours
  • Learn healthier interpersonal skills, empathy and calming techniques
  • Set goals that improve the victim's welfare


Delivered over 13 session, remotely or in person, by qualified Probation Officers, Counsellors or those with extensive experience in delivering cognitive based treatment programmes.

Interventions Alliance has adapted their Compulsive and Obsessive behaviour Intervention (COBI) for use with young people aged 16 -18 in recognition of the need for treatment with this younger cohort. Interventions Alliance works with an Education Psychologist to ensure that the programme is accessible and suitable for young people.

Challenging Unhealthy Relationship Beliefs and Behaviours (CURBB), provided by Interventions Alliance

This programme offers an early intervention to perpetrators of domestic abuse to prevent any escalation in offending and reduce the risk of harm to known/unknown victims. The CURBB programme is linked to the full Healthy Relationships intervention and potentially provides a gateway to it but not an alternative.


The perpetrator will:

  • Learn about the different types, harms and potential consequences of domestic abuse
  • Identify and develop the initial stages of behavioural change


The programme consists of four group sessions lasting 3.5 hours each, supported by a remote opening and closing session delivered on a one to one basis.

Services for Survivors

In addition to the interventions for perpetrators, the impact of abuse on adults and children will be considered through holistic care provided by the Surrey Domestic Abuse Partnership and Victim and Witness Care Unit. The Surrey Domestic Abuse Partnership delivers trauma-informed support for survivors of domestic abuse, putting them at the heart of the service user journey. They will work with survivors in a relatable way and empower them to move forward independently.

Stalking advocates are embedded within both the Victim and Witness Care Unit and the Surrey Domestic Abuse Partnership, who offer ongoing emotional and practical support to empower victims to feel safe, rebuild their lives and access relevant support through referral and joint working.

Youth Using Violence and Abuse (YUVA) , provided by Waythrough

This tailored intervention is for young people agreed 11-18, supporting them to identify their abusive behaviours and helping them to learn alterative ways of expressing difficult emotions. The family members or intimate partners impacted by the abuse are also support by the YUVA team.


  • Explore reasons for behaving abusively
  • Explore more effective ways of communicating distress
  • Identify and reflect on relevant family issues
  • Recognise their own agency and capacity to change

For advice and support please contact us via email: or telephone: 01483 900 905

Request Surrey Steps to Change Hub Referral Form

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  • How to get help
    Frightened, hurt or controlled by a partner, ex-partner or family member? Speak to someone trained to provide you with emotional and practical support