Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Domestic Abuse Training

Surrey's domestic abuse training is free to attend for professionals and volunteers working to prevent or respond to domestic abuse in Surrey.

Useful numbers

Surrey domestic abuse helpline
01483 776822
9am to 9pm, 7 days a week
provided by yourSanctuary

Surrey Police
999 (emergency)
101 (non-emergency)

Surrey's Domestic Abuse Training Offer

Surrey's Domestic Abuse (DA) training is free to attend for professionals and volunteers working to prevent or respond to DA in Surrey.

Domestic abuse is everyone's business and we have a real opportunity to ensure as many people as possible in Surrey know how to prevent and respond effectively to DA, everyone is welcome. The training offer is crucial in ensuring that updates and changes implemented through the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 are both communicated and embedded into everyday practice, alongside gaps and recommendations highlighted in the Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment for Surrey and will support our professionals to increase confidence and skills in their work.

How to book

To review course objectives and book your place please use the links provided below. To book for free you must enter the registration code for Surrey Domestic Abuse Training (SURREYDA). If your chosen course is fully booked, please join the waiting list and you will be notified as soon as new dates become available.

Courses will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams, with the exception of the Anti-Victim Blaming training which will be delivered in person at Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, RH2 8EF.

New courses available to book now

Our microteach sessions provide essential information on topics in a short, accessible format. These sessions are designed to be clear and concise, making them a great option for professionals and volunteers who might not have the capacity to attend a full-days training. Before attending the microteach sessions it is recommended that you complete the Domestic Abuse Level 1 course. This will ensure you have a broader understanding of the domestic abuse context, helping you to better connect and engage with the microteach topic.

Transform Your Training (previously known as Taye Training) will be delivering Surrey DA training using the award-winning Training 4 Influence methodology: Expert, tailored, engaging, values led.

If you would like to join our mailing list to receive DA/violence against women and girls bulletins directly, including new training courses as they become available, please click here to register.

Transform Your Training (previously known as Taye Training) will be delivering Surrey DA training using the award-winning Training 4 Influence methodology: Expert, tailored, engaging, values led.

Updated 5 February 2025

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