Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Referral process

How to make a Prevent referral for clients in Surrey that may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism due to vulnerabilities, associations or ideology.

If you are a professional working with clients that live in Surrey and you have concerns they may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism due to their vulnerabilities, associations or ideology then you can make a referral by completing the Prevent Referral Form available to download using the link below and returning it to the Surrey Police Prevent Team.

Prevent Referral Form

In September 2018, Surrey Police and Surrey County Council launched a new single referral process across Surrey for all partner agencies wishing to submit a Prevent concern. The pilot scheme has been subject to regular evaluation and we are pleased to report, assessed to be a success. The referral process is now considered to be the national standard for Prevent and work is underway to roll this out on a National level.

Please complete the form to the best of your knowledge and with as much detail as possible. This information will be administered by the relevant police force and passed to a local Prevent Team. Where possible we aim to give you feedback on your referral, however this is not always possible due to the sensitivities of the case.


  • Prevent Referral Form (PDF)
    The Prevent referral form, for use by professionals working with clients at risk of being drawn into terrorism due to vulnerabilities, association or ideology.