For Professionals - Prevent and Channel
The Prevent Duty requires specified authorities to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 introduced a new Prevent Duty for specified authorities which means they must have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism" in the exercise of their functions.
Home Office guidance on the Duty states that for all specified authorities those in leadership positions are expected to:
- Establish or use existing mechanisms for understanding the risk of radicalisation
- Ensure staff understand the risk and build the capabilities to deal with it
- Communicate and promote the importance of the duty
- Ensure staff implement the duty effectively
The Duty clearly states that Prevent work depends on effective partnership working and expects coordination of this activity through a multi-agency forum. In Surrey the Surrey Prevent Executive Group (PEG) aims to have oversight of and co-ordinate Prevent work across the county by providing a strategic and coordinated approach.
Channel Panel
Supporting individuals identified as being vulnerable to radicalisation and extremism at an early stage and pre-crime stage is a key part of the Surrey Prevent Strategy. The Surrey Channel Panel, a safeguarding programme aimed at supporting those individuals identified as being vulnerable in Surrey, is fundamental to this.
Channel draws on the existing collaboration across agencies within Surrey and has three objectives:
- Identify individuals at risk of being radicalisation or drawn into extremism
- Assess the nature and extent of the risk
- Develop the most appropriate support for the individuals concerned.
The Surrey Channel Panel meets monthly to adopt new cases and discuss progress against the existing cases. You can find out more by contacting the Community Safety Team.