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Community Harm and Risk Management Meetings Chairing and Administration

Community Safety Partnerships should decide which organisation is best placed to Chair and Administer their local Community Harm and Risk Management Meeting.

Chairing and Administration

Each Community Safety Partnership should decide locally which organisation or post holder is best positioned to Chair the meeting, considering that this is a partnership process, seeking to co-ordinate partnership resources. Appropriate administrative support should also be provided alongside the Chair, these two roles could be shared between two different partner organisations and should be reviewed annually.

Each Community Harm and Risk Management Meeting (CHARMM) should decide how often it meets. A minimum of every 4 to 6 weeks is expected, although consideration should be given to short life case conferences, meeting more regularly, for those cases where issues may be more complex and require input from specialists outside of the core CHARMM membership.

Adoption and consistent use of the Empowering Communities Integrated Network System (ECINS) online case management system will contribute significantly to the effective administration of the CHARMM process, ensuring that joined up working continues in between meetings, and that CHARMM meetings themselves are time efficient and outcome led.

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