Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey


Learn about how the prevent programme aims to stop people being drawn into terrorist activity, who deals with prevent and how you can report concerns.

If you are a professional working with clients that live in Surrey and you have concerns they may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism due to their vulnerabilities, associations or ideology then you can make a referral by completing the Prevent Referral Form available to download below and returning it to the Surrey Police Prevent Team.

Prevent Referral Form

Concerned that someone you know may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism?

Surrey is a low risk county for terrorist activity, but we still need to be alert to tensions and extremist groups in our communities. If you are a member of the public who is concerned that someone you know may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism, you have several options:

  • Contact Surrey Police by dialling 101
  • Report your concerns anonymously to CrimeStoppers 0800 555 111
  • Call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321
  • If it's an emergency, always dial 999

Prevent (PDF) is one strand of the government's counter terrorism strategy known as CONTEST. There are four strands to the strategy:

  • Prevent: is concerned with working in partnership to reduce support for terrorism of all kinds; to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.
  • Pursue: is concerned with the apprehension and arrest of any persons suspected of being engaged in the planning, preparation and commission of a terrorist act.
  • Protect: aims to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack and reduce our vulnerability to such attacks. This involves managing the risks to crowded places and the safeguarding of hazardous materials.
  • Prepare: seeks to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack where that attack cannot be stopped. This includes work to bring a terrorist attack to an end and to increase our resilience so we can recover from its aftermath

ACT Early

Act Early is a website for family and friends to share concerns and seek help if they are worried that someone they care about is being radicalised, or drawn into extremism. It can be hard to know what to do if someone close to you is expressing extreme views or hatred. The website includes case studies, signs to spot, FAQs and details of where to get help, including a new, confidential advice line staffed by specialists in Counter Terrorism.

In this section


  • Prevent Referral Form (PDF)
    The Prevent referral form, for use by professionals working with clients at risk of being drawn into terrorism due to vulnerabilities, association or ideology.

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