Green health and wellbeing
Local green activities
The current nature-based and green space activities in Surrey that support health and wellbeing.
Nature connectedness for wellbeing
Connecting with nature and green spaces improves mental and physical wellbeing.
Surrey Heartlands 'Test and Learn' site for Green Social Prescribing
Information about the project including how to embed green social prescribing into communities.
Green Social Prescribing report - May 2023
Key findings from a 2-year ‘test & learn’ approach to delivering green social prescribing in Surrey Heartlands
Green Social Prescribing – Data Summary
Data summary of the Green Social Prescribing project in Surrey.
How to refer
Details on the referral process for Green Social Prescribing and the Nature Connection Fund.
Resources, guides and training
Training and resources available including dementia, carers and mental wellbeing.
Volunteer with Dose of Nature
Information about the Dose of Nature programme volunteering and its benefits.
Research studies
Research studies on the health impact of nature.