Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Health and wellbeing strategy

Tackling the wider determinants of health to address the root causes of health and well-being.

In 2019, the Surrey Health and Well-Being Board published a 10 year Health and Wellbeing Strategy. It was based on evidence from the Surrey Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the views of Surrey residents.

The Board refreshed the Health and Well-being Strategy in early 2022 in response to COVID-19, to ensure it had a greater focus on reducing health inequalities so no-one is left behind. In the refreshed Strategy there is also a commitment to the following principles for working with communities and an acknowledgement that applying these will be crucial to our success:

  • Community capacity building: Building trust and relationships
  • Co-designing: Deciding together
  • Co-producing: Delivering together
  • Community led action: Communities leading, with support when they need it.

Delivering the Strategy continues to play a crucial role in achieving the 'Community Vision for Surrey in 2030'.

For more information email the Public Health team at

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