About us
General information on the Health and Wellbeing board in Surrey.
The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board is a group of NHS commissioners, public health, social care, local councillors, Surrey Police, borough and district council and public representatives that work together to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Surrey, to reduce health in equalities so no-one left behind.
The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board produces quarterly highlight reports providing an overview of the progress of local shared projects supporting the delivery of the three priorities of the (statutorily required) Surrey Health and Well-being Strategy for the Strategy's Priority Populations.
It was set up according to the duties in the Government's Health and Social Care Act 2012 and encourages all partners - public, private and voluntary sector - in Surrey to work together with communities and residents to improve health outcomes.
In 2020, the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board merged with the Surrey Community Safety Board. This ensures services to intervene early to address the common factors that bring people into contact with the police and criminal justice system and lead to poor health. We can improve public safety, prevent offending and reoffending, reduce crime and help to improve outcomes for individuals and the wider community.
In 2022, the Board refreshed the Health and Well-being Strategy. Based on the previous 2019 Strategy (which involved extensive engagement) and utilising evidence from the Surrey Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, the Surrey COVID-19 Community Impact Assessment and the Index of Multiple Deprivation, the Strategy now sets out how different partners across Surrey can work together. This includes engaging with local communities to focus on prevention and to tackle the wider determinants of health to reduce health inequalities.
Frequently asked questions
The Health and Wellbeing Board provides Surrey-wide systems leadership for the integration of health/wellbeing and related services, promoting partnership working to reduce health inequalities that affect the lives of the residents of Surrey.
The Board does not have its own budget and does not directly commission services as a collective. It does however identify opportunities for collaboration and integration across organisations and is a place for challenge and discussion.
The Board has a statutory duty to do the following under the Health and Social Care Act (2012):
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment looks at the current and future health and care needs of Surrey's residents to inform the planning and buying of health, wellbeing, social care and other services. The Board has a joint responsibility for overseeing this.
Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Evidence from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment helps to inform the Health and Well-being Strategy. The Strategy supports the local planning and delivery of system level, service-based, and community-led interventions to reduce health inequalities.
Surrey Better Care Fund
Better Care Fund (BCF) currently aims to
- Enable people to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer
- Provide the right care in the right place at the right time
It incentivises the NHS and local government to work more closely together around people, placing their wellbeing as the focus of health and care services, and to focus on prevention. The Board approves BCF plans for Surrey.
Surrey Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
The PNA provides a statement of need for pharmaceutical services for Surrey residents. The Health and Wellbeing Board published the last Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Surrey in 2022. The Board approves the PNA.
Community Safety Agreement
It is mandatory for two tier authorities to ensure we meet our statutory duty under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (as amended by the Police and Justice Act 2006) in which responsible authorities are required to consider crime and disorder in the delivery of all of their duties. The Health and Wellbeing Board is responsible for developing and reviewing the Community Safety Agreement based on the most up to date data and evidence.
The Board membership includes:
- Chair - The Leader of Surrey County Council
- Vice-Chair, Surrey Heartlands
- Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, Surrey County Council
- Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Surrey County Council
- Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and Community Safety, Surrey County Council
- Chief Executive of Surrey County Council
- Joint Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Integrated Commissioning, Surrey County Council and Surrey Heartlands ICS
- Executive Director for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning, Surrey County Council
- Director of Public Health, Surrey County Council
- Representative of Healthwatch Surrey
- Leads of each constituted Integrated Care Systems (ICS) (Frimley Health and Care/Surrey Heartlands)
- Place based representatives from Surrey Heartlands 4 Places*
- Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey
- Representatives of the District/Borough Councils (1 x Council Leader and 1 x *Chief Executive Officer)
- Representative of further education/universities
- Representative of mental health/wellbeing service providers
- *HWBS Priority 1 Sponsor
- *HWBS Priority 2 Co-Sponsors
- *HWBS Priority 3 Sponsor
- Co-Representatives of the VCSE Alliance x 3
- *Chair of the Prevention and Wider Determinants of Health Delivery Board
- *Chair of the Mental Health: Prevention Oversight and Delivery Board
- Representative of Surrey Police
- Representative from the National Probation Service
- Representative from Interventions Alliance
- Associate Member – District and Borough Housing Representative
*Members listed with an asterisk have dual roles.
Members listed above in bold are Statutory Members of the Board.
For the full list of members' names, see the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board members page.
The Board meets every month either in public or private.
Surrey residents are encouraged to attend the public meetings. The Surrey County Council website includes details for attending a public meeting and published papers.
The public can put forward questions to be discussed at the Health and Wellbeing public meetings. Questions must be submitted in writing to Surrey County Council's Democratic Services Team at least seven days before the Board meeting.
Email: toby.nash@surreycc.gov.uk