Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

About us

General information on the Health and Wellbeing board in Surrey.

The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board is a group of NHS commissioners, public health, social care, local councillors, Surrey Police, borough and district council and public representatives that work together to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Surrey, to reduce health in equalities so no-one left behind.

The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board produces quarterly highlight reports providing an overview of the progress of local shared projects supporting the delivery of the three priorities of the (statutorily required) Surrey Health and Well-being Strategy for the Strategy's Priority Populations.

It was set up according to the duties in the Government's Health and Social Care Act 2012 and encourages all partners - public, private and voluntary sector - in Surrey to work together with communities and residents to improve health outcomes.

In 2020, the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board merged with the Surrey Community Safety Board. This ensures services to intervene early to address the common factors that bring people into contact with the police and criminal justice system and lead to poor health. We can improve public safety, prevent offending and reoffending, reduce crime and help to improve outcomes for individuals and the wider community.

In 2022, the Board refreshed the Health and Well-being Strategy. Based on the previous 2019 Strategy (which involved extensive engagement) and utilising evidence from the Surrey Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, the Surrey COVID-19 Community Impact Assessment and the Index of Multiple Deprivation, the Strategy now sets out how different partners across Surrey can work together. This includes engaging with local communities to focus on prevention and to tackle the wider determinants of health to reduce health inequalities.

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